What We Do

We want to care for those who once cared for us. We offer a buddy to represent the kin who may not be present for his parents. Our Care buddies visit seva-seekers at least 3 times a week to provide them with the comfort of togetherness and support.


Care buddies diligently inspect homes for any potential impairments, such as electrical issues, plumbing problems, or internet connectivity issues, and take necessary actions to resolve them.


Care buddies provides any assistance needed for grocery, medical supplies etc, which includes running errands or teaching elderly how to buy it online


Care buddies eagerly engage elderly in refreshing walks to promote well-being and enjoyment.


Care buddies takes appointment for routine doctor, therapist visit and accompany elderly to hospital, clinic, therapy center and diagnostic center as required.

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."

– Carl W. Buechner

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Your First Step Towards Personalized Care